DELTA Academic Objectives

DELTA Academic Objectives


DELTA Academic Objectives is a series of course books designed to help students adapt to the challenge of academic study in English

  • Key features 

  • DELTA Academic Objectives: Reading Skills has been written to prepare students for academic reading, placing emphasis not only on extensive reading skills development, but also on continued language development through four main areas: Understanding the text, Critical thinking, Using the text and Language focus.

    DELTA Academic Objectives: Writing Skills has been written to prepare students for academic writing, placing emphasis not only on developing strong academic writing skills but also on continued language development through five main areas: Structure and organisation, Critical thinking, Using the text, Language focus and Evaluating writing.

    DELTA Academic Objectives: Listening and note-taking skills has been written to prepare students for academic listening using real-life talks, presentations and conversations. It also emphasises continued language development through three main areas: Language focus, Extension activities and Vocabulary activities.

    Series key features:

    • Written for students at both undergraduate and postgraduate level
    • Themes relate to a wide range of common academic subject fields
    • Topics are both academic and common to everyday life, and accessible to all students
    • Contains exercises to practice vocabulary in the Academic Word List
    • Is supported by online resources consisting of a bank of longer texts and accompanying activities to help develop students’ reading and writing skills
  • Authors