Bloggers is the new four-level course for lower secondary teens. It is truly international!
The course follows the blogs of five teenagers from London, New York, Dublin, Los Angeles and Glasgow and really engages students with relevant and culturally specific subjects. Each unit provides students with a challenge that gives a real sense of achievement.
Bloggers has been written by teachers who know what students want and need in their course.
What’s different about Bloggers?
Bloggers is a project-based course that integrates the 5 C’s of 21st century learning – communication,
cooperation, creativity, critical thinking, and cultural awareness – to make sure that YOU have fun, learn
what YOU need, and use English because YOU have something relevant to say.
Modular units
Insightful cultural foundation
Multimodal approach
Task-based approach
Laura has been an ELT teacher, writer and teacher trainer for over 12 years and has taught English in Malaysia, Brazil, Spain and the UK. Laura has a passion for creativity and always aims to encourage curiosity and independence in learners. She also currently works as a volunteer speech and language therapist assistant.