Note: The DELTA Augmented app was deactivated on 31/08/2024. You can still access all media content for free on the learning platform allango. No licence key is required for this! Learn more
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Bloggers 1 A1 - A2
Connecting you to English around the world

Student's Book with digital extras

ISBN 9783125012028 | Pages 150
Bloggers is a four-level course for lower secondary students. It is truly international! The bloggers are from English-speaking countries around the world. SHEENA, JOHN, TARA, KIRSTINE and TOM blog, vlog and share aspects of their lives as well as their thoughts on global issues - connecting YOU to English around the world.
Why is Bloggers
 right for YOU?
✓ It's authentic!
✓ It's engaging!
✓ It's about showing what you can do!
✓ It's about completing challenges!
✓ It develops the skills you need in real life!
What are the key features in Bloggers?
✓ One unit - one blogger - one project
✓ Communicate, collaborate and create
✓ Clearly defined topics and language goals
✓ Personalized activities for everyone in the class
✓ Cultural awareness in the "Culture Blog"
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allango: The language learning platform!

Access all the accompanying digital components for this book on allango, the language learning platform.
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 Further information

Thumbnail DELTA Spain - Andalusian culture for primary education

DELTA Spain - Andalusian culture for primary education

Mandatory practice for Andalusian public schools

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Bloggers Teaching Resources

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Bloggers Connecting you to English around the world

The course follows the blogs of five teenagers from London, New York, Dublin, Los Angeles and Glasgow and really engages students with relevant and culturally specific subjects. Each unit provides students with a challenge that gives a real sense of achievement.

Bloggers has been written by teachers who know what students want and need in their course.